Thursday, November 17, 2011

Concern Outsiders - Hello!! I'm Fine!! THANK YOU....

4 days MC...I almost can't remember at all the name of illness
that I'm suffering.


That's the name. You might wiki if you want to know more but
briefly what I can describe is, too painful!! Fuhh!!! Senget2
muka menahan sakit. Macam tulang rusuk ni nak patah...dan macam
dada kena penumbuk.

Only few mates knows about this. Others who I believe more to
'menyibuk' than concern...I just tell them..."Saja, nak cuti..."
kelassss jawapan ko Jah!! Sakit ati je orang yang menanya.
Sakit ati sebab dengki! Tengok muka dah tau...


In my situation, during this situation, I found out there are
still those who really honest for being my friend. One fella,
who is working at HQ, we seldomly meet but this fella always
been nice to me whenever we meet.

And beside those 'best friends', this fella had picked up the
phone and asking on my condition. For a while I thought it's only
a friendly ice breaking before he jumped into 'job matters'...
but right till the end of our conservation, all we talked was
about my health and my condition.

'Take a good rest ye kak!'


Sometimes kan, when there are outsiders who shows their concern
on us, it will make us feel precious.

Thank you mate!

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