Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bila Si Kecil Frust


Aspen da kata...Aspen tak akan kecewa kalau Along tak lepas exam la competition hebat tau.

Aspen betul2 tak sangka Along sgt2 frust. Serius Aspen tak sangka..

Rupa nya Along memang dah pasang angan2 nak sekolah kat situ.

Tengok air muka Along, dan cara dia menunjukkan rasa frust dia buat Aspen sedih sangat....

Aspen minta nasihat kawan baik Aspen di KK..nasihat Lina, I must praise Along for something else,one that he really good about...

Pendek kata,up balik semangat dia...

Tak sangka kan, si kecil pun bole frust...bayangkan kalau as parents, kita endah tak endah je ngan anak2 ni....

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Terrifying scenario in Malaysia recently.

1. Non Muslim who are Non Bumi are so outspoken questioning Islam as the main Religious

2. Students are no longer respect their teachers and their schools

3. Adultery, Homosexual, Alcoholism are now too common and slowly being accepted

4. Immoral and stupid leaders been matter how obvious the sins they did, followers just deny it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pendidikan Swasta: Mahal Tak Semestinya Bagus

Teacher kata: Your son dah mula pandai melawan
Along kata: Along dah kata Along nak pikir jap...tapi teacher paksa2 Along...manalah Along tak marah...

Teacher kata: Your son suppose already know how to read that
Along kata: Teacher suh along baca "Ali suka makan ikan" Along tau sampai "Ali suka" aje...tu yang Along kata kejap nak pikir dulu.

Me a.k.a along's ibu ni pening kejap. Definitely Along
doesn't know how to read suku kata 'kan' because
in the end of his 5 years old classes, buku sekolah tu
pun cuma sampai 'mama' 'mami' 'zaza' 'zazi'....2 alphabets only
in a consonant. But, I thought...that is my son's
level...and dengan rendah dirinya I merely accept that as a FACT !!!

Alih2...the teacher who is the one who suppose to know
most query pulak why my son tak tau baca!!!

Tak puas hati...minta Along study those consonants with
3 alphabets. Alhamdulillah, in only 2 days...walaupun not
so lancar...but still he could!!!

OMG !! Poor Along....sedihnya.

Rasa bersalah sangat sebab serah bulat2 pada school yang
fee nya RM200++ monthly and RM1000++ per year. I thought,
I can leave it (at least reading skills) to the
teachers!!! And somemore, for me he is only 5,
malas la nak beriya sgt suh dia study memalam...
lagipun bukannya ada bawak balik buku dari school pon

Rupanya, now I need to teach Along on my own!!!

Too many questions sebenarnya,

1. Why that teacher tought my son could, sedangkan dlm
silibus mmg x sampai pun tahap tu

2. Why she force my son to read something that he's not
capable to do?

3. Why simply raise up matter about kids behaviour to
parents, sedangkan after a year the teacher herself claimed
my boys is very good in discipline

Tersentak....tapi try to be rational and positive enuff.

Waktu mula2 dengar daripada teacher saja....terus sedih
Pergi google 'Mendidik Anak Menghormati Orang'
Waktu tu salahkan diri sendiri sebab rasa anak terbiar
itu yang misbehave tu....


Takperla, from today onwards I will ensure I wont just
leave the education matter to the school, no matter how
expensive the fees are. Dulu aku ni tadika KEMAS aje pun...
tengah tahun umur 5 dah pandai baca suratkhabar daaa...

Lagi start dari a b c tau !! bukan main fonetik2 macam la....

Nak tarik Along kuar dari school tu macam kesian pulak.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to Earn RM500 / month at Home ??

Some might give a 'look' onto the topic above.
But I believe, RM500/month is actually a big amount to earn for err...
a mother...
with kids...
stay at home...

But undeniable, there are a lot of WAHMs (working @ Home Mummies)
had successfully earn much more than that RM500. There are so
many mediums which can be very helpful to assist WAHM in
doing business.

for the starter...
It's a huge risk to give up the stable job
and doing business from home at least to earn RM500 monthly.

Let me share what are my ideas in order to earn this amount.

1. Transporter: 
Sending school children. We can start with our neighbors, or our kids friends.
So, rather than just pick n fetch your own kid, earn extra money by giving
transport service to school children.

RM50 x 4 kids (Kancil car) = RM 200 / session
RM200 x 3 sessions (1 session kindergarten + 2 session primary school) --> different time.
Total = RM600

*One thing about this is, duit minyak to be, jgn sampai rugi sudah

2. Kids Nursing 
I personally do not favor this...hehehhe but I believe there are many mummies who has a great
fond on kids. And sometimes...some mummies need friends for their own children. So, this
coould be a great idea. But, please mummies...don't take advantage
on your nursing kids. Dosa!! Layanan kena sama rata dengan anak sendiri tau !!!

RM200 / kid x 3 = RM600
Additional: Transit service for primary school children who needs place to change
and eat before going to KAFA school in the evening.

+ RM100/kid x 2 = RM800 ( >> RM500)

3. Food Preparing
I was once worked in Glenmarie, Shah Alam. There is one Ah out
lunch food preparing service to my company and few others companies
in the same row.

Every day, before lunch hour...those who love to buy lunch food from her
should give her a call, and she'll then appear right before lunch hour at
our office door.

Let say...if we give out this service to only school children in our neighborhood.
Because, sometimes...many parents don't have ample time to prepare
lunch meals for their kids. So, let us do it for them....

So what's the profit.

Let say....RM3.00 / lunch box --> profit = RM1/box

Can we make it 500 boxes?

Consider Nasi Putih + Seketul Ayam Kari + Sayur Goreng

Boleh tak ???

Briefly these are all what I've been thinking so far. Yes, we can do cupcakes la,
jahitan kraf la....jahitan manikla and bla bla bla....but, those biz facing
many risks. Boleh buat, jangan tinggalkan...but....those biz I wrote
above could be a stable support in the beginning.

Anwar Has Been Released

I'm not a politician and I've promised not to be.
But I'm a close observer, n I do observe with passion since I was in primary school.
It's true! I just have the interest so early.

and from what I've observed...
I just can't put a trust in Anwar.
There are to many conflicts in his own statement.

Today he would convince people with his A opinion on X issue...
but the next day,
he would simply change his view on X issue by giving out B opinion.

n yet his followers just nodded ... pity them

I still remember how he overpraised Tun M
in persidangan UMNO back in 90's
and right after he speech...
Tun M said...
"In 10's hard to believe 1 if it's from Anwar"
and what Anwar and Azizah did?

so funny since Tun M is so so serious...

He was found not guilty for his sodomy case on Saiful Bukhari.
For me, it just prove that he is not guilty to sodomize Saiful, but it didn't show
that he didn't do it !!!

Why I dare to say this?
Because sometimes...Anwar is too outspoken
and his words eat him...

Monday, January 2, 2012


Mayan claimed...2012 is the End of The World
and many Muslims believe that ?!! Just unbelievable....

But it's good to alert ourselves on the coming of the Qiamah.
Just to help us check on ourselves.
But we just can't simply pick up date and believe it is
the date! Because ALLAH knows better and He knows all...
if He want us to know the exact date, He didn't need to
pick Mayans people rather than His most beloved
messenger to tell us....

Pray hard like today is your last day
n work hard
like you will live forever...

Welkam welkam 2012

Someone in My Womb

This is my third pregnancy...I thought it would be much easier
and I keep promising myself not to show off. But I just couldn't
help it. It's too difficult to hide what I'm feeling.

One funny thing about my pregnancy, is...I do not suffer
morning sickness but...evening sickness.

During morning time, I will do just fine...but after 1pm..I start
to feel so weak, lazy...don't want to do anything...vomitting...

And I get more emotional but lucky not bad temper as how I did
during my 1st pregnancy. But still, when I look at my husband's
face...i feel like he's thinking that I'm just overdoing...

And it makes me feel sucks!!

Last night we were suppose to visit his granma who just coming from
kampung, n staying at his Pak Long's house. Klang and Kl is not
so close like so many others thought will take you 1 hr
if there is no jam!

N terribly I'm so sick last nite. I just can't go...I did asked him to
go alone but he refused. But then, he started doing faces on me...
MasyaAllah....sedihnya hati. And I was vomitted 2 times last
nite and all he did is simply gives me a terribble
he's saying 'Ala....buat2 je tu'

This morning I feel so sad....sbnrnya even until now. I just couldnt tell
anybody abt how i'm feeling because i dont want others to look bad
at the one I love most...but when I'm alone feeling all this crappy feelings,
I just can't contain this tears anymore...

Sakit sangat.

And to be honest, if it is all about me...I think 2 kids are enuff.
But because I love him too much...I'm willing to get preggy again
It's not that I dont love the one in my womb...of course I love him / her...
just like I love along n Yaya...


I need support....

isk isk isk


Another lost of family members. Although it is not shock as the first time
we know he had a a lung cancer, yet it still a very sad moment for
every one of us in the family. We are cousin, a huge gap of age, not too close,
seldomly meet in a year, but I know him much enough to make me cry over his lost.

I hate funeral...too much sorrow to bear. Sometimes, I feel like I'm
not crying over the one who passed away, but over those who are left behind.
Especially on those who are so close to the deceased.

Last night, after I received this sad news, I can't help myself thinking
about myself. My cousin is just 49 years old, which for me is not so old...
but death will invite those without any judge on their age.

And I'm no hell ready

