Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to Earn RM500 / month at Home ??

Some might give a 'look' onto the topic above.
But I believe, RM500/month is actually a big amount to earn for err...
a mother...
with kids...
stay at home...

But undeniable, there are a lot of WAHMs (working @ Home Mummies)
had successfully earn much more than that RM500. There are so
many mediums which can be very helpful to assist WAHM in
doing business.

for the starter...
It's a huge risk to give up the stable job
and doing business from home at least to earn RM500 monthly.

Let me share what are my ideas in order to earn this amount.

1. Transporter: 
Sending school children. We can start with our neighbors, or our kids friends.
So, rather than just pick n fetch your own kid, earn extra money by giving
transport service to school children.

RM50 x 4 kids (Kancil car) = RM 200 / session
RM200 x 3 sessions (1 session kindergarten + 2 session primary school) --> different time.
Total = RM600

*One thing about this is, duit minyak to be, jgn sampai rugi sudah

2. Kids Nursing 
I personally do not favor this...hehehhe but I believe there are many mummies who has a great
fond on kids. And sometimes...some mummies need friends for their own children. So, this
coould be a great idea. But, please mummies...don't take advantage
on your nursing kids. Dosa!! Layanan kena sama rata dengan anak sendiri tau !!!

RM200 / kid x 3 = RM600
Additional: Transit service for primary school children who needs place to change
and eat before going to KAFA school in the evening.

+ RM100/kid x 2 = RM800 ( >> RM500)

3. Food Preparing
I was once worked in Glenmarie, Shah Alam. There is one Ah out
lunch food preparing service to my company and few others companies
in the same row.

Every day, before lunch hour...those who love to buy lunch food from her
should give her a call, and she'll then appear right before lunch hour at
our office door.

Let say...if we give out this service to only school children in our neighborhood.
Because, sometimes...many parents don't have ample time to prepare
lunch meals for their kids. So, let us do it for them....

So what's the profit.

Let say....RM3.00 / lunch box --> profit = RM1/box

Can we make it 500 boxes?

Consider Nasi Putih + Seketul Ayam Kari + Sayur Goreng

Boleh tak ???

Briefly these are all what I've been thinking so far. Yes, we can do cupcakes la,
jahitan kraf la....jahitan manikla and bla bla bla....but, those biz facing
many risks. Boleh buat, jangan tinggalkan...but....those biz I wrote
above could be a stable support in the beginning.

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