Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pendidikan Swasta: Mahal Tak Semestinya Bagus

Teacher kata: Your son dah mula pandai melawan
Along kata: Along dah kata Along nak pikir jap...tapi teacher paksa2 Along...manalah Along tak marah...

Teacher kata: Your son suppose already know how to read that
Along kata: Teacher suh along baca "Ali suka makan ikan" Along tau sampai "Ali suka" aje...tu yang Along kata kejap nak pikir dulu.

Me a.k.a along's ibu ni pening kejap. Definitely Along
doesn't know how to read suku kata 'kan' because
in the end of his 5 years old classes, buku sekolah tu
pun cuma sampai 'mama' 'mami' 'zaza' 'zazi'....2 alphabets only
in a consonant. But, I thought...that is my son's
level...and dengan rendah dirinya I merely accept that as a FACT !!!

Alih2...the teacher who is the one who suppose to know
most query pulak why my son tak tau baca!!!

Tak puas hati...minta Along study those consonants with
3 alphabets. Alhamdulillah, in only 2 days...walaupun not
so lancar...but still he could!!!

OMG !! Poor Along....sedihnya.

Rasa bersalah sangat sebab serah bulat2 pada school yang
fee nya RM200++ monthly and RM1000++ per year. I thought,
I can leave it (at least reading skills) to the
teachers!!! And somemore, for me he is only 5,
malas la nak beriya sgt suh dia study memalam...
lagipun bukannya ada bawak balik buku dari school pon

Rupanya, now I need to teach Along on my own!!!

Too many questions sebenarnya,

1. Why that teacher tought my son could, sedangkan dlm
silibus mmg x sampai pun tahap tu

2. Why she force my son to read something that he's not
capable to do?

3. Why simply raise up matter about kids behaviour to
parents, sedangkan after a year the teacher herself claimed
my boys is very good in discipline

Tersentak....tapi try to be rational and positive enuff.

Waktu mula2 dengar daripada teacher saja....terus sedih
Pergi google 'Mendidik Anak Menghormati Orang'
Waktu tu salahkan diri sendiri sebab rasa anak terbiar
itu yang misbehave tu....


Takperla, from today onwards I will ensure I wont just
leave the education matter to the school, no matter how
expensive the fees are. Dulu aku ni tadika KEMAS aje pun...
tengah tahun umur 5 dah pandai baca suratkhabar daaa...

Lagi start dari a b c tau !! bukan main fonetik2 macam la....

Nak tarik Along kuar dari school tu macam kesian pulak.

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